Sunday, November 29, 2009

Stubs vs Mocks with Rhino Mocks

Recently I was asked: "What is the difference between Stubs and Mocks?" Martin Fowler has written a good article about that topic "Mocks Aren't Stubs". Also in the Rhino Mocks Wiki there is is comprehensive explanation.

Besides the theoretical aspect you have to decide whether to use

MockRepository.GenerateMock or


when you use the "Arrange, Act, Assert" syntax of Rhino Mocks. To find out the detailed differences I wrote some tests, which are all green. I defined expected behaviour or stubbed behaviour with different syntax combinations. The behaviour is not called in any test. Only in the tests with the "ExpectedException" attribute RhinoMocks throws an exception:

public void VerifyAllExpectationsWithExpectMethodOnMock()
   IList listMock = MockRepository.GenerateMock<IList>();
   listMock.Expect(x => x.Count).Return(10);


public void VerifyAllExpectationsWithExpectMethodOnStub()
   IList listStub = MockRepository.GenerateStub<IList>();
   listStub.Expect(x => x.Count).Return(10);


public void VerifyAllExpectationsWithStubMethodOnMock()
   IList listMock = MockRepository.GenerateMock<IList>();
   listMock.Stub(x => x.Count).Return(10);


public void VerifyAllExpectationsWithStubMethodOnStub()
   IList listStub = MockRepository.GenerateStub<IList>();
   listStub.Stub(x => x.Count).Return(10);


public void AssertWasCalledWithMock()
   IList listMock = MockRepository.GenerateMock<IList>();

   listMock.AssertWasCalled(x => { int temp = x.Count; });

public void AssertWasCalledWithStub()
   IList listStub = MockRepository.GenerateStub<IList>();

   listStub.AssertWasCalled(x => { int temp = x.Count; });
The conclusion from these tests are: If you need a mocking behaviour in Rhino Mocks that verifies your code under test, you have to use one of these two combinations of methods:
  1. GenerateMock with Expect(...) and VerifyAllExpectations()
  2. GenerateMock/GenerateStub with AssertWasCalled(...)

Monday, October 12, 2009

LightContracts is a simple, small and lightweight library supporting 'Design by Contract'

Recently I created a project on It is called LightContracts and is a simple, small and lightweight library supporting 'Design by Contract' style of programming. It let you specify simple pre- and postconditions with a fluent API, without using an heavy AOP framework. It is developed in C#. In his famous book "Object-Oriented Software Construction" Bertrand Meyer described a design technique called "Design by Contract" (DBC) which can improve software quality dramatically. His programming language Eiffel supports this design technique inherently. This valuable technique is universal and widely accepted and can be used regardless in which programming language you are developing. There are several tools available to use "Design By Contract" on the .NET platform ( E.g. ContractDriven.NET or ContractN). Recently Microsoft announced that its Code Contracts projects would be included as part of .Net 4.0.

So why should I use LightContracts?

All mentioned projects are quite heavyweight. They are using aspect-oriented programming (AOP) frameworks to inject code, require to inherit from a base class or need special tools and compiler settings. My observation is that 90% of all assertions are very simple and do not justify the use of heavy tools. LightContracts is a small DLL which can simply be referenced by any .NET project, without installing additional software. It has a fluent API which allows reading pre- and postconditions nearly like natural language. This allows simply copying these assertions into the method comments.

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

What is Design by Contract?

This is the first article in a series which I started after I reasoned about "Why is Design by Contract not common practice in Software Enineering?".

Design by Contract is a technique to specify the behavior of a class. It helps to communicate what effects methods will have and what the methods expect before they can be executed. Design by Contract means that the caller of a class and the class itself make a contract, which is described as a set of assertions called Preconditions, Postconditions and Invariants.

So the interface and the implementation of a class is enhanced with additional assertions. Preconditions define obligations for the caller of a method, which have to be satisfied before the method is called. Postconditions will guarantee the outcome of the method. Invariants apply to the class as a whole and define conditions which are valid at the end of each method call.

I show an example in C# for preconditions and postconditions. Preconditions are commonly describes with the term 'require' and postconditions with the term 'ensure'. The property PrinterNames has the postcondition that the delivered list is not null. The method RemovePrinter has three preconditions:

public class Printers
    private List<string> names;
    public Printers()
        names = new List<string>();
    /// <summary>
    /// List of printer names.
    /// Assertion.Ensure(names != null,"Result is not null");
    /// </summary>
    public List<string> PrinterNames
            Assertion.Ensure(names != null,"Result is not null");
            return names;
    /// <summary>
    /// Remove a printer
    /// Assertion.Require(PrinterNames().Count > 0,"There is at least one printer");
    /// Assertion.Require(printerIndex >= 0,"printerIndex is not negative");
    /// Assertion.Require(printerIndex lessThan PrinterNames().Count ,"printerIndex is in range");
    /// </summary>
    public void RemovePrinter(int printerIndex)
        Assertion.Require(PrinterNames.Count > 0,"There is at least one printer");
        Assertion.Require(printerIndex >= 0,"printerIndex is not negative");
        Assertion.Require(printerIndex < PrinterNames.Count ,"printerIndex is in range");


For further information about Design by Contract please refer to the Eiffel web site or the book Object-Oriented Software Construction

In the next article I will try to answer the question: What are the benefits of Design by Contract?

Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Why is Design by Contract not common practice in Software Enineering

Concerned with a lot of source code reviews over the last years, I have recognized that Design by Contract is not a common practice in Software Engineering. Nearly all C++, Visual Basic, Java and C# source code I saw was designed and written without applying Design by Contract. Thinking about the reasons for programmers not to use Design by Contract I made a list with questions they may have:
  • What is Design by Contract?
  • What are the benefits of Design by Contract?
  • Do I need to use Eiffel as my programming language to apply Design by Contract?
  • Do I have to spend a lot of effort for Design by Contract?
  • In which situations should I use Design by Contract?
  • Does Design by Contract conflict with other design and implementation techniques like TDD and DDD?
If you have no or wrong answers for these questions you will probably not use Design by Contract in your day to day programming work. I will try to answer these questions in a series of articles and hope it will convince more programmers that Design by Contract is an elegant technique to improve software quality.

Thursday, January 15, 2009

Preconditions, Postconditions: Design by Contract for C#

Bertrand Meyer has described a design technique called "Design by Contract" (DBC) in his book Object-Oriented Software Construction. He also added support for this technique in his programming language Eiffel. Also other languages do not have a native support for this valuable technique, we nevertheless can apply this technique in all other languages. What we need is the possibility to define and execute assertions at runtime and we have to document the pre-, and postconditions in the header of our methods. For C# we only need a small helper class (comments are omitted):
public static class Assertion
    public static void Require(bool precondition, string conditionDescription)
        if (!precondition)
            throw new AssertException(ExceptionDescription("Precondition", conditionDescription));

    public static void Require(bool precondition, string descriptionFormat, params object[] descriptionParameters)
        if (!precondition)
            throw new AssertException(ExceptionDescription("Precondition", string.Format(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, descriptionFormat, descriptionParameters)));

    public static void RequireIsNotNull(object toBeTested,string objectName)
        if (toBeTested==null)
            throw new AssertException(ExceptionDescription("Precondition", objectName + " is not null"));

    public static void Ensure( bool postcondition, string conditionDescription )
        if ( ! postcondition )
            throw new AssertException(ExceptionDescription("Postcondition",conditionDescription));

    public static void Ensure( bool postcondition, string descriptionFormat, params object[] descriptionParameters )
        if ( ! postcondition )
            throw new AssertException(ExceptionDescription("Postcondition",string.Format( CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, descriptionFormat, descriptionParameters ) ) );

    public static void Check( bool condition, string conditionDescription )
        if ( ! condition )
            throw new AssertException(ExceptionDescription("Condition",conditionDescription));

    public static void Check( bool condition, string descriptionFormat, params object[] descriptionParameters )
        if ( ! condition )
            throw new AssertException(ExceptionDescription("Condition",string.Format( CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, descriptionFormat, descriptionParameters ) ) );

    // Private methods

    private static string ExceptionDescription(string assertionType, string description)
        return string.Format(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, "{0} failed. The expectation was '{1}', but this is false.", assertionType, description);

As important as checking the assertions at runtime is to allow a client of our class to read the preconditions and postconditions without inspecting the implementation of our methods. The simplest solution is to copy the assertions into then method comments:
public class PrinterDescription
    private XmlDocument printerXml;

    /// <summary>
    /// Load the descripton from a xml file
    /// Assertion.RequireIsNotNull(printerDescriptionPath, "printerDescriptionPath");
    /// Assertion.Require(File.Exists(printerDescriptionPath), "File printerDescriptionPath exists");
    /// Assertion.Ensure(IsLoaded, "IsLoaded");
    /// </summary>
    public void Load(string printerDescriptionPath)
            "File printerDescriptionPath exists");

        printerXml = new XmlDocument();

        Assertion.Ensure(IsLoaded, "IsLoaded");

    /// <summary>
    /// Is the description loaded?
    /// </summary>
    public bool IsLoaded
            return printerXml != null;

    /// <summary>
    /// Name of the printer
    /// Assertion.Require(IsLoaded, "IsLoaded");
    /// </summary>
    public string Name
            Assertion.Require(IsLoaded, "IsLoaded");
            XPathNavigator nameNode = printerXml.CreateNavigator().SelectSingleNode("//PrinterName");
            return nameNode.Value;
